Step by Step Maneuvers C172

Slow Flight –

  • Clearing turns – note heading and any visual references
  • Carb Heat – On; power back to approx. 1700 RPM
  • Increase pitch to maintain altitude.
  • Flaps as aircraft slows to desired airspeed – apprx 55 kts
  • Add power as speed is established with pitch to maintain altitude.
  • It may be necessary to increase power slightly during turns due to loss of lift in a bank.
  • Right rudder will be required to maintain heading due to left turning tendency at high angle of attack, slow airspeeds  and higher power settings.
  • Return to cruise  – hold heading and altitude during recovery – full power, carb heat off.

Stall – Power Off

  • Clearing turn
  • Carb heat On; power back to approx. 1700 RPM
  • Flaps as aircraft slows. 
  • Establish glide at 60 kts then power back to idle
  • Raise nose to stall
  • Recover – after nose is lowered to break stall, begin to raise nose slightly below horizon, add full power, gentle climb, flaps to 20 degrees, then slowly raise flaps as airspeed increases and positive rate of climb is established.  Climb back to original altitude and heading.

Stall – Power On (departure stall)

  • Clearing turn
  • Carb heat On; Power back to approx. 1700 RPM
  • NO flaps
  • Slow aircraft to 60 kts, then add full power, carb heat off.  Continue to add back pressure to stall attitude.
  • Right rudder pressure is needed as power and climb in applied.
  • Once stall is reached lower nose, level wings,  then back to original altitude and heading.

Steep Turns

  • Clearing turns – establish a heading and outside visual reference for maneuver.
  • Slow aircraft to below 100 kts to stay within maneuvering speed.
  • Roll aircraft into a 45 degree bank
  • Increase power slightly – 100-200 RPM at most
  • Back pressure to maintain altitude
  • Hold 45 degree bank until approx. 20 degrees ahead of the heading or visual reference, then smoothly roll out while decreasing power and releasing back pressure to level flight.
  • Roll into turn in the opposite direction.

Emergency Descent:

  • Cause of descent?  For example engine fire –
  • Carb heat – ON; Power – Idle
  • IN case of engine fire scenario – explain you would turn everything off starting with the fuel selector.
  • Establish bank of 30-45 degrees; airspeed 100 kts
  • Continue spiral descent until examiner says fire is out.
  • In this case you would not try a retart but go directly into a simulated engine failure.

Simulated Engine Failure

  • A- airspeed, 65 kts, trim quickly nose up and it will help you to reach it.
  • B – Best place to land – head for an airport (quickly glance at GPS to determine if one is close by) or field.  Determine wind direction and plan to land into the wind.  Check for power lines, ditches, etc., before getting too low in case you need to chose a different field.
  • C – Checklist – if high, run the checklist.  If low or if coming off a simulated engine failure, run the flow pattern and tell examiner that all things would be turned off and you would not be attempting a restart if from an engine fire.
  • D – Declare the emergency – 7700 on the transponder; 121.5 or current frequency to let someone know where you are and what is going on.
  • Circle about the intended landing area and plan to roll out on a downwind for the field.  Once the field is assured, go to a more normal landing speed like 70 so you can judge your descent rate better.  Coming in a little high is better than low.  On Base determine if you are too high, with 20 degree flaps, use a slip to lose some altitude but plan to keep it high.  On final, if too high, use a slip, at 65-70 kts. Straighten out and drop last 10 degrees of flap. 

Go Around

  • Determine need for go-around – too high, not stabilized on approach, not happy with the approach, aircraft or vehicle or animal is on the runway.
  • Full Power, carb heat OFF
  • Level to gentle climb – flaps to 20
  • Positive rate – flaps to 10
  • Once stable and over 65, flaps to 0
  • Climb out at best rate of climb 76-80

Short Field Takeoff

  • 10 degrees flap
  • Use all the available runway
  • Line up and hold brakes as you apply full power
  • Check oil pressure ok and release brakes
  • Maintain centerline
  • Rotate at 55, climb at 60 until at least 50 ft above runway or point that examiner determines.
  • Lower nose to pick up airspeed.
  • Over 65 raise flaps
  • Climb at 76-80 to at least 1500 ft, then cruise climb at 85-90.  Tell examiner you are going into cruise climb for better visibility and safety.
  • IF staying in the pattern, climb at Vy to pattern altitude.

Soft Field Takeoff

  • 10 degrees flaps, yoke full aft before crossing the hold line.
  • Line up on runway, do not stop
  • Maintain centerline applying power smoothly to full.
  • Lower nose slightly as power is applied to prevent it getting too high.
  • Hold as aircraft lifts off ground then immediately go level to stay in ground effect.
  • Accelerate to 60 for a short field or continue accelerating in a climb to 76-80 after flaps are raised over 65 kts.

Short Field Landing

  • Enter pattern as usual.  Pick a point on the runway where you will land.  Plan the aim point approx. 200 ft or so prior to the landing point. 
  • Put on carb heat and reduce power to 1500 RPM abeam the landing point.
  • Add flaps as usual.
  • Turn base when the aim point is at the 45 degree point (instead of the end of the runway)
  • Determine if you are high or low on the base leg and adjust power and/or pitch.  Airspeed 70.
  • Final – put nose just below aim point.  If it moves up in the windshield add power.  If it moves down, reduce power.  Stabilize airspeed at 60 with full flaps.  Keep flying to aim point.
  • Over aim point reduce power to idle and go into normal landing flare.
  • Maintain centerline and directional control.
  • Once aircraft is on the ground, flaps up, yoke back and begin braking without locking up brakes.  Examiner may tell you that you do not need to put on the brakes.
  • If it appears you are going to overshoot the mark by more than 200 ft, initiate a go around.  Make changes on your next approach to prevent another overshoot.

Soft Field Landing

  • Normal landing pattern
  • Stabilize airspeed at 65-60 kts on final.
  • On short final as you begin level off, add power, no more than 100-200 RPM
  • Hold the aircraft off the runway as long as possible to effect a landing that is as slow and smooth as possible with the nose clear of the runway.
  • The nose must stay off the runway until power is reduced and yoke is full aft.